Recovery from bipolar disorder

A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments

This is Shannon 's story from my perspective, the husband: Shannon was prescribed, and struggled for years, on medications, which are typically just given to patients by psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists alike, who are trying to help those with bipolar disorder, like Shannon . But where they fail, is keeping up with the patient, checking on the patient, or just asking the right questions during appointments. It's as if they are just trying drugs, and trying drugs, and not warning patients ofthe dangers, and the side effects, and the addictions - it's as if they think they are working with lab rats, and not human beings. In any event, I don't know that you can truly blame them, at least not fully, because unless you have lived with someone long enough, and are able to detect those behaviors, that may indicate that those doctors have missed the diagnosis, then there is no blame. Basically, it wasn't until almost 10 full years into our marriage that I was able to add all the behaviors, patterns, actions, and everything else all up, and diagnose Shannon pretty much on my own. I read many books over the years,newspapers, magazines, going to various websites. Then, after almost I4 years of prescribed meds abuse, and following a series of 5 seizures, the morning of December 13th, 2002, in succession,almost killing her - a few months past, and she continued to recover from the seizures, and then I found the Truehope website. I began to read the story of the product development for EMPowerplus, as well as, the success stories, and just thoroughly engulfed myself in the website and the product. I made the call, told them about Shannon, and a couple of days later, Shannon was on the phone with Truehope Support. We ordered the product, the product came, and between the introduction of the new product to her body, and cleansing and removing the build-up of prescribed meds from so many years of abuse, within days, I started to notice a change - mood, attitude, energy. It was almost as if! had remarried, without going through the divorce, and finding a new woman or, maybe it was, that the Shannon that everyone was suppose to have known, all the years she had abused the prescribed meds, was finally coming out. Now, almost 4 years of taking EMPowerplus (and 3 of 4 of our children take it too - as they seemed to, in succession, started showing signs of moodiness, depression and anxiety - rather than take a chance we had them start taking it too - we didn't want them going down that same road as Shannon had too) Shannon is finally enjoying life, having fun, getting out and doing things. Don't get me wrong, she, as we all do - even those of us that aren't bipolar has her bad days, but they are nowhere near the bad days she had when she was taking the prescription meds, where on occasion she would pass out, or just be barely functioning and walking around in a cloud. Now, with EMPowerplus she is focused, clear headed, goal oriented, and on most days vivacious and energetic - for the most part loving, living, and enjoying life again.