Events | A Guide to Alternative Mental Health - Part 2

2nd International Integrative Mental Health Exchange

Havana, Cuba

Learn alternative mental health practices used in Cuba. Location: Havana, Cuba. Hosts: Doctors James Lake and Judith Pentz. Limited attendance. Safe Harbor president, Dan Stradford, attending.

An Introduction to the Open Dialogue Approach

London, United Kingdom

An introduction to the Open Dialogue approach using presentations, reflective exercises and dialogues. Participants can expect to gain a fuller understanding of the approach, the philosophy that underpins it, and how it relates to, and can inform their current working practices. CPD certificates.

GPL University Practitioner Workshops

Scottsdale, AZ, United States

Organic acids Testing Workshop - February 18; Genetic Testing Workshop - February 19 (morning); Toxic Chemical Workshop - February 19 (afternoon). CMEs available.