A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments

Recovery from “Schizophrenia”

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

I am truly passionate about my experience and the work that Safe Harbor is doing. It is such a gift that so many people are gathering and are beginning to network and meet one another. One of the things that was very painful for me for almost half my... Read more »

Recovery from “Schizophrenia”

Testimonal from: Testimony from Lynn Robison , Mesa, Arizona

Female. Age 40. Previously diagnosed with schizophrenia. Patient submitted to therapy in the mental hospital in Hawaii and was given suppressive drug prescriptions. Her condition got worse so she refused medication and was released due to non-compliance to the protocol. I analyzed the state of energy... Read more »

Recovery from “Schizophrenia”

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

Our eldest daughter is now in her mid-forties, a successful, productive, and relatively happy lawyer. We never thought she’d make it when she was a teen-ager.She had been a healthy child, seldom sick, but always thin, but strong. Her irritability, especially with regard to noises, did not appear abnormal... Read more »

Recovery from psychosis

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

My father who was a doctor received a frantic call from a woman he knew. She called him first, before calling the authorities, because she was so confused and afraid, and she had a great deal of trust in him. What was disturbing her was the behavior of her husband,... Read more »

Recovery from psychosis

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

When my eldest son was 23, he was failing all his college classes and was plagued with visual & auditory hallucinations. I was scared to death he would end up on major tranquilizers and be in and out of institutions for the rest of his life. About that time I... Read more »

Recovery from psychosis

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

My experience with mental illness started in February 2003 when my 20-year old son called me in the middle of the night saying he felt weird. He said he thought he was dreaming. He is a junior at UC Riverside and has always been very smart and... Read more »