A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments

Recovery from bipolar disorder and anxiety disorder

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

Get past issues of Alternative Mental Health News Here I am bipolar, have a generalized anxiety disorder, and used to be severely hypoglycemic. After I was diagnosed with Lyme disease and received IV and IM Rocephin (antibiotic) treatment, the majority of my rapid cycling disappeared. Also, I... Read more »

Candida-induced Anxiety

Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

I was terribly afraid of what was happening to me, as I was unaware that there was any physiological or medical condition causing these symptoms. I sought a doctor's help; then two, then three. In all three instances, I was quickly examined and upon hearing my laundry list of... Read more »


Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

I wasn't diagnosed with pyroluria until age 65. By then my health had seriously collapsed twice. I'd spent my adult life trying to figure out what could be wrong with me; since I didn't have frank mental illness, 'only' very severe anxiety since adolescence that years and years of therapy never addressed... Read more »


Testimonal from: A Multitude of Recoveries Through Alternative Mental Health Treatments,

Joanne came to see me over a year ago. She was distraught from not sleeping for five nights in a row. Her anxiety was off the charts and so extreme that she was pacing all around my very small office flailing her arms and asking me over and over... Read more »

Recovery from Anxiety

I recently read your article regarding methylation and it is brilliant. I had anxiety and panic attacks that never responded to any medications and took Deplin (a form of Vitamin B9) and it was like a miracle, the anxiety was gone. Now I am taking Deplin and have been... Read more »

Recovery from “ADD”

My youngest son, age 17, has suffered with ADD symptoms for many years with the usual problems -- obnoxious behavior that annoyed teachers, family and peers, under achievement and resorting to illicit drugs for comfort. I found I had celiac disease, a sensitivity to gluten, a protein substance found in... Read more »